Thursday, June 11, 2009

My first Blog...WELCOME!!


  1. Jada,
    I'm looking forward to your show. I'm now a sales rep for and would love you to advertise Hawthorne on this web site. Your publicist can contact me at if you are interested. (If my name sounds familiar, it's because I was Trey's Bio teacher last year at OC.) Tell him "hi" for me.
    Best, Erika

  2. i have followed your career since different world .. am looking forward to having you as a part of my week again .. peace .. L

  3. Jada,

    My wife is a fan and she was recently inspired to start a book club, "Our Daughters" sparked by your book "Girls Hold Up the World." Our daughter is 5 and that was one of the first books she learned to read. That is the first book that we give to parents with daughters and we hope that the book club will take hold locally and spread throughout the world. Thank you for this gift and we wish you well with the premier of "Hawthorne," we will be watching.

  4. Hi Jada, I started my first blog too this month !!!. Welcome !

  5. JADA

    Go head on do you I know that's right! My husband is in Iraq at this time so I'll be looking at the show for both of us tonight so I can tell him all about it. We are very happy for you and family.I know this may not be the best time to ask but I'm a take a shot anyway. Can I have a job? I will work my butt off and I'm not talking about acting can't act but any other jobs you may have open.I wish you great numbers tonight on the show.

  6. Jada,
    I am looking forward to seeing the your show tonight. And I am also happy to be a part of your blog. I wish you all the success and happiness. Welcome back to regular television.

  7. Hi Jada,
    Nursing will play a major role in health care reform. I hope this show helps to spotlight the front line soldiers in health care: RN's.
    I'm a writer who left nursing when managed care turned medicine into big business.
    Should Hawthorne ever need consultants, I've got lots of story 'snapshots' from my 18 year career in psychiatric nursing and I know story development.
    You know, I have three 20-something year old daughters who I never encouraged to become RN's; that decision influenced by my own weariness of trying to make a difference in a MD focused/for profit system. But times really are changing.
    Should you have interest, please visit my website for an overview of what I do in publishing and with writers on the road to publication.
    Much luck with this show.


    Marla Miller, RN, MSN.

    Newport Coast/Montecito CA

  8. Just got through watching the show and I really liked it. for me personally, I want to see what's going to happen in the lives of all the characters in shows to come. I believe this show should be around a long time. It shows how important nurses are. Once again good luck wit the show.

  9. Hi Jada

    I Love Hawthorne. I laughed and cried it is a dramady like you said on 106 & Park today. I'm glad you're back on tne small screen. I love you work. Good Luck!!

    Love ya,

  10. Hey Jada,
    After Watching your show I was compelled to find a place where I could share my views on the show. FIrst off I've followed your career from the very beginning. I met you once in the West village you were so nice you stopped and gave me a hug lol. This show has truly shown how you've excelled as an actress. I loved it . As a person that works during the day in a hospital while I pursue my acting career as a single mother you truly inspire me. the acting was great the story line kept me wanting more and I love how the show is based on the Rn's life in the hospital. please continue to give us the quality you did tonight. Good luck !!!! do you ever do open casting for the show?

    take care

  11. Hi Jada,

    I saw Hawthorne last night and I was very impressed. It's a great show and I told everyone about it on the train this morning. Great job and keep up the good work. I am looking forward to next week's show.

  12. OMG! You are an awesome woman. I watched the show, you are totally amazing as always, from A Different World, to Set It Off you still make it happen. I write, and your acting style inspires me greatly. Thanks for that, keep given it to em' JaDa!!!!!

  13. I really enjoyed the show. I am a CNO. I thought your acting was excellent.
    We do need more caring folks to work in healthcare to meet the needs of our nation.
    Thanks for your work on the show.

    Lisa H RN, MSN

  14. Dear Jada, Hi I know that you hear this all the time, but I'm your biggest fan, well I try to be (smile). Jada "Set it Off" Smith. Boo I love your show. I just love seeing you. I mean every little gesture is just like wow!!. Will is the best. I met him and have a picture with him back in 1994 @ the set of Bad Boys in Miami. What are my chances of seeing him again and getting it autographed Bad Boys 3/Bad Girls?? Jada yall are the best on the real. I'd die if one of you called me. Im really down to earth, really. Thanks. (954)865-2662. Brian.

  15. Jda,

    Nursing needs a voice. I am really looking forward to seeing your knew show.

  16. Love the Show and it appears you have made tv history!!Can't wait for the next episode. Keep up the great work. You really inspire me to give my all in my everyday life and confront fear with courage.

  17. I absolutely love your show!! Every minute of it!! Cant wait until next Tuesday :-)

  18. Queen Monica said...
    You know Mrs. Jada, I "just happened" (not) onto your website and saw your blog link. I was so excited. Then, I had to remember how to 'follow' cause I have not been on blogger in long time. Thanks for coming back to T.V. This is so good. If I had my way you would be on the tube everyday!

  19. I have always wondered, how do you keep your figure so well being an actress, a mother of multiple children and a wife.

    I am a single parent of four young adults and one 8 month old grandson. I also run a day care in my home.

    How do you find the motivation and discipline to look so good?

  20. well just wanted to say again i enjoyed the second episode of Hawthorne....well done. Take care...

  21. Just wanted to say Congratulations on the second episode of Hawthorne...Loved it! Take care......

  22. Yo, Jada! Real talk...I don't watch television @ all. I'm certain you are profound as ever in HawthoRNe. Ironically, the street I live on here in NY is named Hawthorne & I lived in the City of Hawthorne when I lived in Cali. Mad love & respect for every work you do & ever have done. I look forward to the chance to meet you & chat with you one day. Whenever you get the time, please hit me on my e-mail: Say whatever comes to your mind or heart & just know it is always very well received by me. Peace.

  23. Welcome To The Blog World

  24. I LOVE YOUR NEW SHOW! I HAVE NEVER MISSED AN EPISODE! I'm glad they chose you because I can't see anybody else playing this role! Since I am in school for nursing, this really inspires me! I hope and pray that one day I will move up to be a head nurse! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND GOD BLESS!!!! LOVE YOU JADA!

  25. Jada, I am happy to have found this site and happy that you are back on t.v. I really appreciate the work that you so passionately do.
    Peace Always

  26. I just caught two episodes while visiting in Georgia this weekend. I really enjoyed both shows. The timing and whit are really what caught my attention. I'll check back in once I catch a few more episodes.

  27. OMG, Jada you look just like your mom. I was just looking at the feeds from Overbrook Ent. and was appauled @ the nerve of some people. Some of those posts are just rediculous. I hope Jaden was not discouraged by those idiots. If so, handle that thing girl. We have just as much right to live our dream as anyone else.

  28. Hawthorne is a very good show, I have an idea that could enhace the show. If you were able to feature something that Doctors are using all over the world at this time. It is Remote Presence Technology, Someone should look into it.

  29. HEY JADA ; !
    you are an very amazing person. im so glad youve decided to act again. hawthoRNe is my favorite show ever. i just want you to know that you an true inspiration towards me. you make me want to motovate myself to be a much better person. please please please reply back .
    k thnx i love you :-)

  30. I am excited for a new post. Hopefully about your exercise regimin. I just read a little bit about it in fitness magazine and I would like to hear more. You look great!

  31. Jada, I love Hawthorne...THE BEST SHOW IN A LONG TIME!!!

  32. Jada
    I am a registered nurse and I Love Hawthorne! Finally we have a voice for today's nurse. And especially for the African American RN with authority. You are an inspiration.

  33. My best friend just turned me on to your new show HawthoRNe. We own a small multi-media company in Raleigh, NC. Among other things, we want to produce television, film, and stage productions that will touch people in a most unique way. Since we work such long hours, I have had to watch your show via the internet. I think the concept is really great. The story lines are very endearing and the acting is awesome. Keep up the good work.


  34. hay jada you have done a great job. by the way whas is the name of your club for swingers

  35. Hi,

    I just saw pictures of your husband when he was at Miami Children Hospital. The nurses say that he was genuine. It is interesting that you are playing a nurse. My son has a chronic illness. Being in and out of hospital changes one's view of the world. Keep up the positive work as a family.

  36. Becky the Janitor here, Miss Smith;
    I want to congratulate you on being picked up for another season. Your show is a wonderful view point from the underappreciated people who work there; the unsung heroes, NURSES!!!!!!
    Having been a patient myself a few yrs ago, I must admit to giving a hard time to those who cared for me.
    I know where I will be next year.
    Take Care
    A fan in Oho

  37. Miss Smith, I was wondering if you and/or your group has a cd out? and what is its' title? Because I would like to buy it.

    And looking forward to seeing your son's movie when it comes out.
    Be well
    A fan in Ohio

  38. Miss Smith, Becky the Janitor here;
    I understand that "HawthoRNe" is in hiatus now, but, when it starts up again, might you ask Micheal Vartan, how was it working on the with the late Patrick Swayze? They had it on BET today. So I had to watch it again. Did he pick up any acting tips from either MR. Swayze or MR. Snipes or Mr. Leguizamo, or Miss Danner or Miss Channing or anyone else? Because being a the "To Wong Foo, thanks for everything, Julie Nemar," had to be the first film I recognized him in.
    Have a good time off, you have deserved it.
    talk to you again.

  39. Hello Jada I am Annette Wilder, owner of Wilder Public Relations Firm Inc. in Second Life. I would love to speak to you about an opportunity within a virtual realm. Here is my website and blog and you can contact me through the website if you like what you see and are interested. Thanks so much!

  40. Howdy, Miss Smith, Becky the janitor here;
    I was wondering if when filming starts up again on "HawthoRNe", would you be so kind as to ask the actress who plays Kelly, did she get any advice from Jeff Bridges with whom she costarred in "Stick It".
    Hope you have a great new season
    Looking forward viewing it

  41. Merry Christmas from the Kobi family to the Smith family!!!!!!!!
    Thank you for having this blog; i keep writing just to keep my hand at writing.
    Looking forward to the new season.
    Be well
    Take care
    a fan in Ohio

  42. I need a job jada whats up i do music productions for movies and editing. Acting i duno never tried.Plus i would like to do something you or your family dont do as not to cause a conflict of interest.If i wanted to send a resume or portfolio where would i send better yet my email is have your people get back to me . I have very good recommendations.

  43. Hey Jada. Though you are a woman who needs NO introduction, I'm glad that you were humble enough to take the time out to post this blog. Thanx for the invite!

    Seeing as I'm following you, I guess it'd only be tasteful for me to briefly introduce myself:
    My name is Tommie Green. I'm a 24-year-old (Someone popular :) film director/actor from Detroit. I've been fans of you and Will since before I can remember. I LOVE that you guys keep the good work coming and I look forward to working with you in the future. Hear from you soon, one!

  44. Hello! My name is Francisco. I live in Quito, Ecuador, South America. I would like to give spanish and piano lessons to your kids. A new language and music is the best way to learn!!!

    Francisco Guerrero

  45. Hi Jada,
    I really enjoy your photo's, they're all really great!
    Say Linn, have you ever been on an actual paranornal investigation? Well here's your chance to join us on one and help us promote our museums and public historical sites in Washington State at the same time. The only investigations that we schedule are with public historical sites. We also use the media to feature these historic locations whenever posssible. That not only helps these places generate additional revenue which they desprately need, but it also encourages families to pack a luch and take the kids to a museum on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. It's really a win-win situation for everyone.
    What we could use to help the museums and historical sites that we investigate are some celebrities (like yourself) to join us.
    Our organization PIHA (Paranormal Investigations of Historic America) is a registered non-profit organization, so everything we do is pro-bono. That may be bad news for you because if you or another celebrity offers to help us one weekend, you (or they) would have to pay your own expenses as well. But, you may find as we have that the benefits far outway the cost. But you will get to travel with us in our PIHA Command Central Van (it's actually a limo van that I purchased). We have a great time using the van on our investigations and I hope that you like our Champaigne and snacks that are always available. We do travel in style.
    Well, that's my story and best offer, so if you or one of your friends would like to go on a ghost hunt with us and do some good as well, then contact me. Otherwise, keep up the photo shoots for all of us and I hope to be seeing you for many years to come.

    Thanks Jada, Vaughn

    Vaughn Hubbard, PIHA Case Manager/Historian
    Website: WWW.PIHAUSA.COM

  46. GIRL!!! Where do I start....uuummmm? WOW, I'm so excited about the opportunity to talk with you, without actually talking with you (smile), that I don't know what to say. I know, how about...for starters, I love your work! You seem to be a real down to earth sista and I'd love to do lunch the next time you're in Atlanta." If you get a minute, stop by my website and check me out on facebook the next time you logon.

    Much love and Blessings!
    Jetaun "The Diva" Ward

    Office: 678-252-1928

  47. First of all, kudos to you and your best friend and One Mister JAYZ, for getting eleven Tony nominations. Second, was not able to watch The Oprah Show, but, read the transcript of it. or so I thought; (from the website)
    Good Luck on the up coming season of "HawthoRNe".
    take care
    Becky the Janitor

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Absolutely love the show (HawthoRNe) and can't wait for it to come back on. I will be DVR'ing every episode to make sure I don't miss a thing. I was dissappointed that I was unable to catch you on Oprah recently but where there's a "Will" there's a way. Lol. Loved you as Lena James on a Different World and as Peaches on A Low Down Dirty Shame. I would love to see you do more comedic work in the near future. Your children are absolutely adorable, as is Will. You have a beautiful family. I am inspired.... ~Seconya
